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It amazes me how many people expect me to get bad photos of their children. Especially when said child is about 3 or 4. I get it. I have 4 kids of my own. This year alone I have shot hundreds of children and in the whole 10 years I have been a photographer, I have taken photos of too many children to count. 


So you can see why I am surprised when I get a "Good luck getting a smile!". Or a "Well you don't know my son." No, I don't. But I do know kids... and I'm thinking perhaps it's time I shared what I do know with you. 


So I am preparing a special workshop for parents who want to take better photos of their kids. 


Fake smiles? Cheesy grins? Kids who keep running away? I will give you all my tips and tricks for capturing your children as they are. 


Don't get me wrong, I ADORE photos where kids aren't smiling. (but hey, I like photos where you don't even see their faces)... However, I understand there are times you want your kids to smile. 


We will also be looking at how to get the best light, tips for composition and any other tricks I think you might like to know. The workshop will  finish with a picnic afternoon tea of nibbles and bubbles!


Do I  need an awesome camera? No. This session is all about the way you take a photo, not the technical how. (Although you can ask me any questions about your camera/device that you want.)


Can I bring my children?

We will need some kids to practice on, so short answer is yes, although please email me so I can keep track of numbers. 


What Do I Need to Bring?

Once you have registered, an email will be sent to you with details. 



Saturday 2nd September 3.45-5.45pm


Location: Canberra Somewhere. TBA





How to Register

Fill in the form with Never Say Smile as the subject to sign up for this workshop (and be sent all the details) or email me direct at






The No Cheese Workshop

Thanks! Message sent.

©2016 Michelle Higgs | Novel Photographic


Novel would like to acknowledge the Ngnunnawal and Ngambri peoples of this region and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. 

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